As a part of the revitalization of the Civic Center Commons, the Asian Art Museum has hosted monthly events as a way to encourage community building and interaction. Part of revitalization efforts is the Village Artist project and Clay House Art was invited to run one of three art stations. Since this project was during the holidays, and we wanted to promote interaction within the community, participants were directed to create a gift out of 2 in 1 light clay and acrylic paint to leave on a common area table. In exchange, they could take a gift that was already there.
Participants were free to make whatever they wanted to there were quite a few artistic gems amongst the gifts.
The most rewarding parts of the Village Artist Project were seeing the community interactions. We saw young and old working side by side on their artwork. We saw strangers encourage each other and give tips and inspiration to those around them. We saw people of all stripes and walks of life enjoying the opportunity to create and share their work; then delight in the fact that they made something that would brighten someone's day.